My second RR building, this N scale laser-cut wood kit is by American Model Builders and is called the "Corydon General Store & Post Office". It comes complete with self-stick roofing, such as the octagon shingles for the front porch. Half way through the project, I realized I installed the windows upside down! Thankfully, I was able to correct this. The large wood wall sections tended to warp while wet with paint, but in the end, things lined up almost 95%. I will have to figure out how to avoid this for future buildings. The building is screaming for signs, but as I don't have a use for it yet, it is staying "clean". If you decide to build this kit, keep in mind the roofing takes far longer than you'd expect!
N Scale Model Railroad Models
This page was last updated on: January 25, 2022
This little wood yard office kit is from American Model Builders and is based on a Boston & Maine prototype. No "roofing" on the little coal shed cover at the moment. The stairs were murder! Computer printed shingles at the moment, but I may change that in the future.
A nice kit from Branchline Trains. Not sure of I like my printed brick foundation. Roof Shingles are a little crooked... I need to add a chimney!
Two-story farmhouse kit from American Model Builders. It took me a while to finish this one. I had glued the walls in place, then painted them. The thin wood warped big-time. I tried to flatten them out various ways, with no luck. I put the kit aside and gave up. Time passed, and I decided to try installing the windows and some bracing to make the walls flatten out. Things went well, and I finished the house. The shingles are from Bollinger Edgerly Scale Trains
Models In Progress:
AMB - Ellington Mercantile
Bar Mills - Saulena’s Tavern
Design Preservation Models - Otto's Parts
Design Preservation Models - Reed Books
JL Innovative Design - DC Cochran Confectionary
Mount Blue Model Company - Small Cranberry Warehouse
Perplexing Puzzles Plus - Farm House
Walther's - State Line Supply

This is Design Preservation's "Cricket's Saloon" kit. All detail is molded into the walls, so there is a lot of detail painting. The roof is covered in fine grit sandpaper. The ads on the walls are my first attempt. I searched for images online, adjusted them, then printed them on decal paper. This particular variety is supposed to not need a clear coat when used with an inkjet printer. The colors did well for the most part, but the decals didn't adhere all that well, even with a setting fluid. Quite frankly, I could have just used a thin paper instead. I need to try and use the decal paper a bit more before I can pass final judgment...
All model photos and commentary © 2013-2022 Jonelle DeFelice unless noted otherwise. Please DO NOT COPY unless with permission
American Model Builders "Ellington Mercantile" kit . This one came out rather nice. As you can see, the frontage has a LOT of window area. I have an issue with actually FINISHING a building, so there is no floor or window "glass" yet. I don't want to add those details until I decide what type of business the building will hold.
American Model Builders "General Service Building" kit . I decided to paint this building in Boston & Maine colors. The kit came together well, and the loading platform is a nice addition. The roof actually sits on rafters, too! The wood is a bit thin, so keep that in mind when painting to avoid warpage.