How does a female such as myself get into the model car hobby?  I blame most of it on the fact that when I was a little girl, someone bought me a Matchbox car instead of a Barbie doll.  From that point on, I have been into cars on many levels, from collecting diecasts to owning a full size 1974 AMC Javelin to working at car dealerships.
This page was last updated on: December 3, 2021
Click the links below to see the models!
I started building models for fun as a kid, then during high school I started to take the hobby seriously.  Once I entered the workplace, though, I found I had less time and energy for models.

And then it seemed no matter how hard I tried, I was not satisfied with my results, even after winning three awards at the MASSCAR model show and competition here in Massachusetts.  The lack of interesting kits available didn't help, either.  I entered Model Builder's Burnout.

During the mid-2000s I started building N scale model railroad buildings, and found that they were pretty fun to make.  Eventually, this led to my desire to start a car model, if only to see if I could still do it. 

I began to build sporadically.  I seem to have lost a lot of my patience with age, but it felt good to build now and then.  Better digital cameras mean now I can share better photos of my models as well.  The internet also makes it a LOT easier to research correct details.

BUT, alas, once again MBB set in, and I just didn't feel like sitting with glue and paint and parts (properly pronouced "paaahts" here in the Boston area) any more.  That means this website is in limbo as well as my collection of unbuilt kits.
(currently in burnout-mode)
All model photos and commentary  © 2000-2022 Jonelle DeFelice unless noted otherwise.  Please DO NOT COPY unless with permission
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Welcome to my site of various type scale models!  To the left are links to each page of model types, from American cars like the Corvette, foreign cars like Mercedes and Jaguar, to N scale model railroad buildings.
I have started a new section, WHAT'S IN THE BOX?  I hope to show interested people just what comes inside certain kit boxes.  This idea may or may not fly, time will tell so check back over time.